The Best Foods for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

It is no secret that food is a great factor in keeping one’s skin radiant and healthy. However, not a lot of people have a clear idea of what these foods are. Sure, you can be safe and eat any fruit or vegetables you can get your hands on but doing so will not give you the best results for your skin. To give you a better idea on what to consume more, here is a list of the best foods that will definitely boost your skin’s health and beauty.


  1. Vitamin C rich fruits– These fruits are usually grown in tropical areas. They are rich in Vitamin C which improves one’s immune system in fighting common diseases like the flu. Aside from Vitamin C, these fruits are rich in anti-oxidants. Anti-oxidants are key to making your skin look young and radiant. Vitamin C rich fruits include mangoes, citrus, guava, pineapples, melons, grapefruit and kiwi.
  1. Vitamin E rich foods – Foods rich in Vitamin E also contain loads of antioxidants that help prevent aging. These foods are essential when you want wrinkles and unhealthy skin marks to be at bay. Have you noticed that a lot of skin products are Vitamin E based? Vitamin E is the secret to younger looking skin. Foods loaded with Vitamin E are avocado, almonds and raw seeds (sunflower, sesame, and pumpkin), spinach, broccoli, tofu, turnip, kale, parsley, papaya and olives.  
  1. Green tea and water – Green tea is a very healthy beverage that keeps the skin healthy and young. This is the secret of Asian women in keeping their skin flawless. It is also a detoxifying agent; helping your body flush out toxins naturally. Water is another wonderful cure for almost anything including aging. Drink plenty of water to keep your skin   hydrated. Not enough water in the body can cause dryness to your skin which ages it faster.
  1. Anti-acne foods – Pimples and acne are the most common skin problems. While there are so many beauty products made to prevent acne, you can never go wrong in eating the right foods to prevent them in the first place. Selenium and zinc deficiency has been linked to acne and pimple problems. Make sure you have enough of them by consuming nuts (almonds, cashew, peanuts, and macadamia). They also contain potassium, iron and Vitamin E, all of which are essential in keeping a healthy skin. Antioxidant rich foods like red grapes also prevent zits from appearing on your skin. They prevent inflammation and are great in treating other skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis.
  1. Healthy fat food sources – Healthy fats is also necessary to keep the skin glowing and young looking. Without these fats, skin will look dry and flaky which aids quicker aging. Foods like salmon, olives, avocado, walnut, brown rice and beans contain omega 3 fatty acids that help prevent inflammation. These can stop skin from producing too much sebum and clogging which leads to pimples and acne.